Saturday, December 6, 2008

NITD OSUM community is now 100+

I am immensely pleased to announce that NITD OSUM community is now 100+ . It is a great achievement considering the fact that our institute is only the 3rd in India to have done that after NIT, Surathkal and JIIT, Haryana . To an extent the members enjoyed the whole process and also actively participated in the community activities showing great enthusiasm while at the same time some of them had a hard time with their inbox full of osum activity notifications which I think should be modified a bit as it follows every member a lot.

But after all this the bottom line is the fact that NITD has been awarded a pizza treat from Gary Serda , the creator of OSUM and soon I will be looking forward to execute this tough task considering the fact that we don't find good pizza's in Durgapur !

Let me share with you what he said :

However I would also like to say that this group is something more than a pizza party as it provides the students under the SAI program to enjoy some staggering benefits and also keep them upadated about sun's cool open source technologies .

You can join it here by signing up at and then joining the group

I assure you that u'll be at profit.

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