Saturday, February 14, 2009

Code JavaFX Contest

Code JavaFX Contest

Sun Microsystems announced the Code JavaFX Contest 2009 contest. Students and developers across India can participate in this contest. This contest is aimed to generate enthusiasm for the JavaFX technology and to encourage developers to develop and contribute sample applications or games that demonstrate use of JavaFX in creating rich internet applications. Prizes will be awarded to those who submit the best entries as determined by the judges in accordance with these Official Rules.

Kaffeine Wars - A tremendous success !!!

It was a Friday morning and I realized that my event (Kaffeine Wars) was given the slot on the same day and was supposed to commence from 1:30pm . I took me about one and half hours to prepare the questions for the preliminary round (Round 1). To my surprise there was no delay at all and Round 1 started on time thanks to the support and effort shown by the volunteers of Sun Club .
Fifty one students from within and outside the college participated with great enthusiasm and from these 26 teams 11 teams were shortlisted for Round 2 which was the onspot coding round.
Round 2 started on schedule from 00:30 am midnight and finished at 5:00 am in the morning. The problem statement was implementation of an extensive lightweight word processor using the RTFEditor Toolkit for editing the Rich-Text-Format files having all the features that a typical word processor has.
Again to my surprise the response was amazing as I never expected such good results in a short span of four hours with no support except Sun Java API docs.
Two teams emerged with some professional stuff performance and were awarded as the Kaffeine Wars 2009 Champs .
The team coming second was a talented pair of boys from NIT Jamshedpur and the Champions were from our very own NIT Durgapur , second year students - Aritra and Shankha .
Check out the pics and the snapshots as they speak a lot about the events' success !

Seminar on Sun Technologies at NIT Durgapur

After a whole lot of efforts and arrangements, the seminar by Mr. Tirthankar Das on open solaris and Sunspots was conducted in our auditorium (D.M Sen Memorial). The talk was sceduled at 10:00AM on the second day of Mukti 09' .The hall that has a capacity of 150 was full of patient audience.It went off pretty well and i have some cool feedbacks too...!!....I think some students got really interested in DTrace and other data security features like snapshots of Open solaris .
I guess the most interesting feature was Time Slider.

I will try and give them some cool tech talks on these individual topics in the months to come..!

Here are some pics of the events...sure they'll be interesting